
Waldan has extensive experience in solving legal and technical-related problems in ICT.

Our expertise includes:

  • Drafting contracts documents and procedures,
  • Advise and assist in negotiations,
  • Provision of advice,
  • Avoiding or resolving conflicts and,
  • Solving organisational challenges for software and hardware.

All problems and solutions are vested in human nature, information and communication. In order to find a solution, Waldan goes deeper for the solution than the question at hand.

Waldan has build up an extensive expertise in solving traditional problems usually handed over to attorney’s, lawyers, or specialists or consultants.

Waldan excels in finding solutions for (non-) traditional problems. And more important: Waldan has vast experience in implementing solutions for customers in practice. Not just in theory and on paper. For Waldan it is about maximizing the value of the solution to the organization.

Making solutions is a serious job. The best solutions match your needs and situation well. Those solutions are rarely the quickest or most generic solutions. Even though they can form a part of the solution. Waldan gives you insight by asking the right questions and providing you with knowledge to help you further.

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