
Clear agreements without hidden costs

At Waldan, we prefer to establish clear agreements regarding costs in advance. The aim is to find financial arrangements that align well with the client, the situation, and the achievable solution.

This can include fixed prices, sharing of risks or achievements, pre-purchasing of capacity, or periodic fees. Most of the time, Waldan charges based on worked time x rate (subsequent calculation), in which case we agree on a rate in advance. If no fee or rate has been agreed, the client will owe a fee based on Waldan’s then current standard rates.

Waldan does not operate on a ‘no cure, no pay’ basis. Waldan does not use an escrow or trust account (derdengelden-rekening). Waldan does not have hidden costs in addition to the rate or fee, such as office expenses or disbursements.

Costs not included in the agreed fee or rate will only be invoiced if agreed upon with Waldan. In cases where it is foreseeable that, for example, travel expenses will be incurred and Waldan seeks reimbursement, we make agreements about this in advance.

All rates, fees or costs owed by the client are subject the applicable turnover tax (VAT) as required by law, which will be added to the invoiced amount at the time of billing.

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